


The squid, 일산유흥 or calamari, is a cephalopod and a close relative of the octopus. Calamari is the Italian name for squid. It is also related, but not as close, to clams, mussels, oysters and scallops. The bullet shaped creature has 6 arms and 2 tentacles and can be found on the Atlantic and the Pacific coast in waters up to 200 feet deep.

There are over 300 species of squid in the world, but only a handful that are sought commercially for food. They are fast growing and have a very short lifespan usually about 6-8 months. The west coast variety lives slightly longer, about 12 months. They reproduce right before they die. Because of this the entire population is replaced annually. In the United States, the west coast squid can be found from Alaska to California. The west coast squid habitat is very protected because of the great similarity in taste of the two coasts.

squid have a dark brown color on the back and a white belly. They also have 7 pair of legs and 2 tentacles on the bottom. The tentacles are known as arils-like structures with a diameter of up to 11 inches. Some species also have an extra pair of legs known as tibias.

When the squid is harvested, the entire body is taken out and the arms and legs are cut off. The meat of the squid is then written on a paper thin layer and covered with a thick layer of salt. This accoutrements the flavor, tenderness and juiciness of the squid.

Most of the squid found on the market has already been frozen. If the squid has not been frozen the next morning, it will have a tough appearance. This is because the ice cream will have already dried upon becoming thawed. The actual color of the squid is white, but it becomes opaque when cooked. When cooked, the meat of the squid turns a dark color and has the texture of cardboard.

squid can be purchased in the grocery store frozen, or canned if you wish. They are very inexpensive and available in small packages and bulk. If you wish to purchase fresh squid you can get it in many ponds and streams, or in many local butchers. It can be very expensive may be prohibitively expensive.

squid ink can be bought in a variety of locations, and is usually used in restaurants, as well. It is fishy, and expensive. This is because the squid ink can be re-used over and over again, and is used to give many fish dishes, like Phanaeng, andades a seafood flavor. This way, your squid ink will be offered to friends and family, and anyone who meets you afterward will think you must be expensive. Just use common sense and kindness. It’s quite tasteful.

squid could be available in the grocery store in the form of frozen, fresh or canned. If you freeze it, it will last for months. If you buy fresh, it will stay fresh for 2-3 months. Canned squid will last a minimum of 3-4 months.

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